Saturday, April 16, 2011

Good Food; Good News

At least for me. The mother of all colds has finally left me and I see a strong "GO" sign that says my book, The Intolerant Gourmet, will be out this Fall. I have seen the cover--most unusual, but I hope that you will all like it. The photographs have been ataken. Copy editing and proof reading have taken place. The Index is yet to come. I consider that important as it avoids the "I know its there somewhere dilemma.
Now I have to think of a next project. I go bats without work. Memoirs? New recipes? I m opend to all suggestions. Help


Anonymous said...

A bit out there, but we're trying to do more nose to tail type eating - ie organ meats

Barbara said...

Organ meats are delicious. There will be quite a few recipes in my forthcoming--November--book, The Intolerant Gourmet